Quick Exit

If you are in immediate danger, CALL 911.

VictimConnect lines may experience longer than usual wait times. During these periods feel free to check out the Resource Map to locate service providers in your area (Select the "Resources" tab at the top of this page followed by "Victim Connect Resource Map") or click the "More Info" link. More Info.


About Us

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National Center for Victims of Crime

VictimConnect Resource Center (VCRC) is a program of the National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC), a nonprofit organization that advocates for victims’ rights, trains professionals who work with victims, and serves as a trusted source of information on victims’ issues. 

The National Center:

  • Provides direct services and resources to victims of crime across the country;
  • Advocates for stronger rights, protections, and services for Victims;
  • Delivers training and technical assistance to victim service providers and allied professionals serving victims of crime;
  • Fosters innovative thinking about the impact of crime and the ways in which each of us can help victims regain control of their lives.

NCVC has operated two hotlines, VictimConnect Resource Center and DC Victim Hotline, since 2015. Both programs provide phone, chat, and text-based services to all victims of crime. Visitors to the hotlines can receive strength-based and trauma-informed services and referrals in over 200 languages. NCVC’s Victim Assistance Specialists receive extensive training and mentoring to provide emotional support, information, and referrals that empower visitors as they navigate the physical, emotional, legal, and financial consequences of crime.

Outreach & Training for the Community & Partners

We partner with community agencies to provide training and presentations. We provide general outreach and table at community events. If you are interested in having us attend an event or provide a presentation, please contact us at [email protected] or call the VictimConnect Resource Center between 8-4 Monday through Friday and ask to speak to a supervisor.

Would you like to get involved?


We love our hotline volunteers! We usually recruit our volunteers in cohorts so that they can be trained together as a team. Our hotline volunteers are responsible for assisting our full-time Victim Assistance Specialists by answering calls, chats, and texts on both of our hotlines. Volunteers will receive extensive ongoing training, refreshers, and support from experts on the Victim Services Team. They also learn invaluable skills for their professional and personal lives, from active listening to de-escalation skills.

We would love to add your name to our list of prospective volunteers. By doing so, you will have the most up-to-date information about our program, eligibility requirements, and cohort launch dates. If this is something you’re interested in please click here.

If you are interested in a victim services internship that combines direct service and programmatic work, please email: hotlineleadership@victimsofcrime with your resume and internship interests. 


If you are interested in employment at NCVC or our direct service programs, please click here


Support victims of crime by donating to NCVC here.

Share Information:

Access program handouts, toolkits, info cards, and postcards that you can download, print, and use at your events.