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Victim Connect Resource Map

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The VictimConnect Resource Map is a searchable tool with national and local resources commonly used by our visitors. The resources can be filtered by categories, services, location, and keywords.

This is not an exhaustive list of resources or available options, but over time we will continue to add resources.

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Looking for additional resources? The Tribal Resource Tool is an online map of diverse resources for American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) survivors and victims of crime and abuse created in collaboration with the National Congress of American Indians, the Tribal Law and Policy Institute, and the NCVC.

Visit www.tribalresourcetool.org to access information about services for all ages and all crime types, in cities, suburban, and rural areas, both on and off the reservation.

  • 1) Arizona Secretary of State’s Office – Address Confidentiality Program (ACP)

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: 602-542-1653

    Other Phone: 602-542-4285

    Website: https://azsos.gov/services/acp

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Arizona

    Helps victims of domestic violence, sexual offenses, and/or stalking from being located by the perpetrator through public records. The program provides a substitute address and confidential mail forwarding services to individuals and families across Arizona.
  • 2) Colorado Division of Central Services – Address Confidentiality Program

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (303) 866-2208

    Other Phone: Toll Free: 1-888-341-0002 TTY: 1-800-659-2656 Fax: 303-866-3946

    Website: https://dcs.colorado.gov/acp

    Category(ies): Assault, Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Colorado

    Provides survivors of stalking, sexual assault, and domestic violence with a legal substitute address and mail forwarding. Under Colorado law, all state and local government agencies must accept a participant’s substitute address. ACP services are intended to enhance a comprehensive safety plan and contribute to increased survivor safety.
  • 3) Connecticut Secretary of the State’s Office- Address Confidentitality Program

    Phone: (860) 509-6006

    Other Phone: 860-509-6200

    Website: https://portal.ct.gov/SOTS/Business-Services/ACP/Address-Confidentiality-Program

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Connecticut

    Provides services to victims of crime who have recently relocated and whose new location is unknown to the abuser and undocumented in government records. The goal of the Address Confidentiality Program is to help crime victims (family violence, sexual assault, injury or risk of injury to a minor, or stalking) keep their new address confidential.
  • 4) District of Columbia Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants (OVSJG) – Address Confidentiality Program

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (202) 788-2131

    Website: https://ovsjg.dc.gov/acp

    Category(ies): Assault, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): District of Columbia

    Provides a legal substitute address for eligible DC residents to maintain the confidentiality of her or his actual address. This program helps residents who fear for their safety by shielding their street address from public records, providing one tool in an individual’s broader safety plan.
  • 5) Florida Office of the Attorney General – Address Confidentiality Program

    Phone: (800) 226-6667

    Other Phone: (850) 414-3300

    Website: http://myfloridalegal.com/pages.nsf/Main/CAB44E1FB5429EE285256F5500576153?OpenDocument

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Florida

    Helps survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, rape, human trafficking, stalking, or other crimes who fear future harm in their efforts to stay safe by providing a designated address to use when creating new public records. These services help keep survivors’ confidential addresses out of the hands of their assailants.
  • 6) Idaho Secretary of State’s Office – Address Confidentiality Program

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (208) 334-2852

    Other Phone: (208) 332-2836

    Website: https://sos.idaho.gov/acp/

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Idaho

    Helps keep victims ofdomestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, malicious harassment or human trafficking, new address confidential, after moving through the use of a mail-forwarding service and substitute address
  • 7) Illinois Office of the Attorney General – Address Confidentiality Program

    Email: r [email protected]

    Phone: 1-844-916-0295

    Other Phone: 1-877-398-1130 (TTY)

    Website: https://www.illinoisattorneygeneral.gov/victims/address_confidentiality.html

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Illinois

    Provides survivors of domestic violence and their household members with a substitute address to use as their home and work addresses, instead of the address where they actually live aiming to help prevent abusers from locating survivors.
  • 8) Indiana Office of the Attorney General

    Phone: (317) 232-6201

    Other Phone: (800) 457-8283

    Website: http://www.in.gov/attorneygeneral/2340.htm

    Service(s): Financial or Material Assistance, Legal/Justice System Assistance (Civil), Victim Rights Advocacy (Non-Direct)

    Location(s): Indiana

    The Office of the Indiana Attorney General is committed to providing services and assistance to survivors of crime. The Indiana Constitution guarantees victims of crime fairness, respect, and dignity. The office sustains that promise by supporting those affected directly, and indirectly, by crime in Indiana. The office provides support by administering the Address Confidentiality Program, Hope Card Program, and Appellate Victim Notification Programs.
  • 9) Indiana Office of the Attorney General Office’s – Address Confidentiality Program

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (800) 321-1907

    Other Phone: (317) 232-6201

    Website: https://www.in.gov/attorneygeneral/about-the-office/appeals/victim-services/address-confidentiality-program/

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Indiana

    Provides its participants with a confidential Post Office Box that serves as their legal mailing address and works to assist victims of domestic violence, sexual assault stalking, human trafficking, harassment, intimidation, and invasion of privacy by helping them return to normal, safe lives by ensuring mail is sent to a secure substitute address and then forwarded to their new home. Your substitute address is also used for state and local government services, such as driver’s license, vehicle, voter, and school registrations and legal process.
  • 10) Kentucky Secretary of State’s Office – Address Confidentiality Program

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (844) 292-5227

    Other Phone: (502) 564-3490

    Website: https://sos.ky.gov/elections/ACP/Pages/default.aspx

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Kentucky

    Victims of a specified offense, including domestic violence and abuse, stalking, a sex crime or a crime against a minor victim) in an ongoing criminal case or a criminal case that resulted in a conviction are provided a substitute address and free first-class mail forwarding
  • 11) Louisiana Office of the Secretary of State’s – Address Confidentiality Program

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: 800.825.3805

    Other Phone: 225.925.4792

    Website: https://www.sos.la.gov/OurOffice/AddressConfidentialityProgram/Pages/default.aspx

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Louisiana

    Helps victims of abuse, sexual assault or stalking after moving to a new location in Louisiana that is unknown to his/her abuser where no public record of the new address has been created (e.g., telephone number, driver’s license, utilities, etc)
  • 12) Maine Address Confidentiality Program

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (207) 626-8400

    Website: http://www.maine.gov/sos/acp/

    Category(ies): Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Safety Planning

    Location(s): Maine

    Administered by the Secretary of State and provides an important service to residents of the State of Maine who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking
  • 13) Maine Department of Secretary of State’s Office – Address Confidentiality Program

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (207) 626-8400

    Website: https://www.maine.gov/sos/acp/

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Maine

    Provides an important service to residents of the State of Maine who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking by providing a designated address to victims who have moved to a new location unknown to their abuser. The second part of the program provides participants with a free first-class confidential mail forwarding service.
  • 14) Maryland Office of the Secretary of State’s Office – Safe at Home Address Confidentiality Program

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (410)-260-3875

    Other Phone: 410-974-5521

    Website: https://sos.maryland.gov/ACP/Pages/default.aspx

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Maryland

    Administered by the Office of the Secretary of State and provides an important service to victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. The goal of the ACP is to help those individuals, who have relocated or are about to relocate, in an effort to keep their perpetrators from finding them
  • 15) Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State – Address Confidentiality Program

    Phone: (866) 723-3233

    Other Phone: (617) 727-3261

    Website: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/address-confidentiality-program-acp

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    Offered to maintain as confidential the address of a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking who has been accepted into the program and provides a way for victims who have recently relocated to use a confidential address in order to protect them from those that endanger them.
  • 16) Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office – Safe at Home program

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: Metro Area: 651-201-1399 Greater MN: 1-866-723-3035

    Other Phone: MN Relay Service: 711

    Website: https://www.sos.state.mn.us/safe-at-home/

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Minnesota

    A statewide address confidentiality program administered by the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State. It is designed to help survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or others who fear for their safety maintain a confidential address in order to protect the location of your home, Safe at Home assigns a PO Box address to you and forwards mail to your real address..
  • 17) Missouri Address Confidentiality Program Safe at Home

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (866) 509-1409

    Other Phone: (573) 751-4936

    Fax: (573) 522-1525

    Website: https://www.sos.mo.gov/business/safeathome

    Category(ies): Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Human Trafficking (Labor), Human Trafficking (Sex), Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Hotline/Information and Referrals, Safety Planning

    Location(s): Missouri

    The Safe at Home address confidentiality program has helped survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, rape, human trafficking, stalking, or other crimes who fear future harm in their efforts to stay safe by providing a designated address to use when creating new public records. These services help keep survivors’ confidential addresses out of the hands of their assailants.
  • 18) Missouri Secretary of State’s Office – Address Confidentiality Program Safe at Home

    Phone: 601-359-6766

    Other Phone: 1-800-829-6766

    Website: https://www.ago.state.ms.us/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Walking-Away-brochure-ACP.pdf

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Missouri

    Helps survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, rape, human trafficking, stalking, or other crimes who fear future harm in their efforts to stay safe by providing a designated address to use when creating new public records. These services help keep survivors’ confidential addresses out of the hands of their assailants.
  • 19) Montana Department of Justice Attorney General’s Office – “Substitute Address” Address Confidentiality Program

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (866) 509-1409

    Other Phone: (573) 751-4936

    Website: https://www.sos.mo.gov/business/safeathome/about

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Montana

    Provides assistance to qualifying victims wishing to protect their address by providing the victim with a substitute address. The goal of the program is to contribute to a victim’s overall safety to residents of Montana who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking by providing a designated address for victims who have moved to a new Montana location unknown to their abuser and a free first-class confidential mail forwarding service to residents of Montana who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking.
  • 20) Nebraska Secretary of State’s Office – Address Confidentiality Program

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (406) 444-5803

    Other Phone: 1-800-498-6455

    Website: https://dojmt.gov/victims/address-confidentiality-program/

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Nebraska

    Provides services to Nebraska residents who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and trafficking after they have moved to a new location unknown to their abuser with a substitute address for use when interacting with state and local agencies, along with providing participants with a new mailing address which keeps their actual address confidential and free from the risk of discovery by third parties through public records.
  • 21) New Hampshire Office of the Attorney General – Address Confidentiality Program

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: 1-800-300-4500

    Other Phone: 603-271-1284

    Website: http://dcfs.nv.gov/Programs/CAP/ConfidentialAddressProgram/

    Category(ies): Assault, Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): New Hampshire

    Helps survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, rape, human trafficking, stalking, or other crimes who fear future harm in their efforts to stay safe by providing a designated address to use when creating new public records
  • 22) New York Department of State Address Confidentiality Program

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (800) 477-3632

    Website: https://www.sos.state.nm.us/safe-at-home/

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): New York

    Allows victims of domestic violence, stalking, sexual offense, and human trafficking to shield their address from their abuser. This free program is one tool that a victim may use in their overall safety plan by being assigned a substitute address that they may use instead of their actual address.
  • 23) North Carolina Address Confidentiality Program

    Phone: 1-855-350-4595

    Website: https://dos.ny.gov/address-confidentiality

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): North Carolina

    Helps victims keep abusers from discovering their new address. We help protect survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking
  • 24) Office of the Attorney General – Address Confidentiality Program

    Phone: 701-328-2900

    Other Phone: Toll Free: 800-352-0867 TTY: 800-366-6888 Fax: 701-328-2992

    Website: https://sos.nd.gov/office-secretary-state/contact-us

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Oklahoma

    Provides a means by which victims may use a confidential substitute address in order to stay safe from actual or threatened violence as well as victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking who are been accepted into the program.
  • 25) Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants (OVSJG) DC

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (202) 788-2131

    Website: https://ovsjg.dc.gov/acp

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Human Trafficking (Labor), Human Trafficking (Sex), Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Other

    Location(s): District of Columbia

    The District’s Address Confidentiality Program (ACP), administered by the Office of Victim Services and Justice Grants (OVSJG), provides a legal substitute address for eligible DC residents to maintain the confidentiality of her or his actual address. This program helps residents who fear for their safety by shielding their street address from public records, providing one tool in an individual’s broader safety plan.