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Victim Connect Resource Map

The VictimConnect Resource Map is Live!

The VictimConnect Resource Map is a searchable tool with national and local resources commonly used by our visitors. The resources can be filtered by categories, services, location, and keywords.

This is not an exhaustive list of resources or available options, but over time we will continue to add resources.

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If you are a service provider and would like to be included on the VictimConnect Resource Map, please complete and submit this form. See eligibility criteria here.

Looking for additional resources? The Tribal Resource Tool is an online map of diverse resources for American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) survivors and victims of crime and abuse created in collaboration with the National Congress of American Indians, the Tribal Law and Policy Institute, and the NCVC.

Visit www.tribalresourcetool.org to access information about services for all ages and all crime types, in cities, suburban, and rural areas, both on and off the reservation.

  • Massachusetts Bar Association

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (617) 654-0400

    Website: http://www.masslawhelp.com/

    Service(s): Hotline/Information and Referrals

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    Resource to help find the rihgt lawyer for the people of Massachusetts
  • Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD)

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (617) 994-6000

    Fax: (617) 994-6024

    Website: http://www.mass.gov/mcad/

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Crime Reporting

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    Our mission is to eradicate discrimination in the Commonwealth by investigating and prosecuting Complaints of Discrimination that occur in Employment, Housing, Public Places, Access to Education, Lending, and Credit. We also offer training to help prevent discrimination from occurring.
  • Massachusetts Crime Victim Compensation

    Phone: (617) 727-2200 ext 2160

    Fax: (617) 742-6262

    Website: http://www.mass.gov/ago/public-safety/resources-for-victims/victims-of-violent-crime/victim-compensation.html

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Sexual Assault

    Service(s): Financial or Material Assistance

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    The Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office Victim Compensation and Assistance Division provides financial assistance to eligible victims of violent crime for uninsured medical and dental care, mental health counseling, funeral and burial costs, and income lost due to inability to work. To be eligible for compensation the crime must have been reported to police within five days unless there is good cause for delay. You must apply for compensation within 3 years of the crime. Victims under the age of 18 at the time of crime may apply until the age of 21, or later in certain limited circumstances. Please read all eligibility requirements. Victims must cooperate with law enforcement during the investigation and prosecution of the crime. Also, a victim cannot have participated in or been involved in committing the crime. Maximum award is $25,000.
  • Massachusetts Department of Correction

    Phone: (508) 422-3300

    Website: https://www.mass.gov/orgs/massachusetts-department-of-correction

    Category(ies): Violation of a Court (Protective) Order

    Service(s): Legal/Justice System Assistance (Criminal)

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    The Department of Correction oversees the state prison system, managing inmates at 15 institutions across the state.We provide custody, care, and programming for those under our supervision to prepare them for safe and successful reentry into the community.
  • Massachusetts Department of Families and Children Child-at-Risk-Hotline

    Phone: 1-800-792-5200

    Website: https://www.mass.gov/how-to/report-child-abuse-or-neglect

    Category(ies): Child Exposed to Violence, Child Physical Abuse or Neglect (Current or Recent), Child Physical Abuse or Neglect (Historical), Child Sexual Abuse (Current or Recent), Child Sexual Abuse (Historical), Child Sexual Abuse Images

    Service(s): Crime Reporting, Hotline/Information and Referrals

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    The Massachusetts Department of Families and Children is committed to protecting children. The Department looks into allegations of abuse and neglect reported by professionals and the public.
  • Massachusetts Department of Public Health – Bureau of Substance Abuse Services

    Phone: (617) 624–5111

    Website: https://www.mass.gov/orgs/bureau-of-substance-addiction-services

    Category(ies): Other

    Service(s): Medical/Health Assistance

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    Aim to prevent, intervene, treat, and provide recovery support services for individuals, families, and communities affected by substance addiction.
  • Massachusetts Department of Public Safety, Parole Victim Services Unit

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (508) 650-4500

    Fax: (508) 650-4599

    Website: https://www.mass.gov/mpb-victim-services

    Category(ies): Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Driving Under the Influence, Sexual Assault

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Legal/Justice System Assistance (Civil), Legal/Justice System Assistance (Criminal), Safety Planning

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    The Victim Services Unit (VSU) provides statewide services to all victims of violent crimes whose offenders become parole eligible.
  • Massachusetts Elder Protective Services

    Phone: 1-800-922-2275

    Website: https://www.mass.gov/reporting-elder-abuse-neglect

    Category(ies): Elder Abuse or Neglect

    Service(s): Crime Reporting, Hotline/Information and Referrals

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    Massachusetts Elder Protective Services: Elder abuse in Massachusetts includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, caretaker neglect, financial exploitation and self-neglect. Elder Protective Services can only investigate cases of abuse where the person is age 60 and over and lives in the community.
  • Massachusetts Legal Help

    Website: https://www.masslegalhelp.org/

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Legal/Justice System Assistance (Civil), Legal/Justice System Assistance (Criminal)

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    A website to help individuals find practical information about their legal rights in Massachusetts
  • Massachusetts Legal Services

    Website: https://www.masslegalservices.org/

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Legal/Justice System Assistance (Civil), Legal/Justice System Assistance (Criminal)

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    Mission of the Massachusetts Legal Aid Websites Project is to improve access to justice for low-income and disadvantaged persons in Massachusetts through innovative use of the web and other technologies. They aim to provide information to Massachusetts residents about their legal rights while also providing them with civil legal aid advocates for effective client representation using their resources.
  • Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance (MOVA)

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (617) 586-1340

    Website: https://www.mass.gov/orgs/massachusetts-office-for-victim-assistance

    Category(ies): Assault, Child Sexual Abuse (Current or Recent), Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Elder Abuse or Neglect, Hate Crime, Human Trafficking (Labor), Human Trafficking (Sex), Sexual Assault, Stalking, Teen Dating Violence, Terrorism and Mass Violence

    Service(s): Other

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    MOVA is an independent state agency governed by the Victim and Witness Assistance Board. MOVA strives to advance victim rights by ensuring all victims and survivors of crime across the Commonwealth are supported and empowered through access to high-quality services that are trauma-informed, culturally-responsive, and reflective of diverse communities. MOVA achieves this through survivor-informed work, advocacy for enhanced victim rights and services, partnerships with agencies and individuals, and a commitment to providing funding and services for underserved and marginalized communities.
  • Massachusetts Office of Attorney General

    Phone: (617) 963-2917

    Fax: (617) 727-5762

    Website: https://www.mass.gov/contact-the-attorney-generals-office

    Category(ies): Financial Crimes/Fraud/Identity Theft, Hate Crime

    Service(s): Crime Reporting, Victim Rights Advocacy (Non-Direct)

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    File a consumer complaint, workplace complaint or civil rights complaint online or with different phone numers depending on the crime trend type
  • Massachusetts Office of Children, Youth, and Family Programs

    Phone: (617) 748-2000

    Website: https://www.mass.gov/orgs/office-of-children-youth-and-family-programs

    Category(ies): Child Physical Abuse or Neglect (Current or Recent), Child Sexual Abuse (Current or Recent)

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Crime Reporting

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    The Massachusetts Department of Families and Children is committed to protecting children. The Department looks into allegations of abuse and neglect reported by professionals and the public. During regular business hours (8:45 a.m. – 5 p.m. M-F) call the DCF area office that serves the city or town where the child lives. After hours, or on weekends, call the Child-Risk-Hotline 1-800-792-5200.
  • Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State – Address Confidentiality Program

    Phone: (866) 723-3233

    Other Phone: (617) 727-3261

    Website: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/address-confidentiality-program-acp

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Gang Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, General Social Services

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    Offered to maintain as confidential the address of a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking who has been accepted into the program and provides a way for victims who have recently relocated to use a confidential address in order to protect them from those that endanger them.
  • Massachusetts Protective Services Program

    Phone: (617) 727-7750

    Fax: (617) 727-9368

    Website: http://www.mass.gov/elders/service-orgs-advocates/protective-services-program.html

    Category(ies): Elder Abuse or Neglect

    Service(s): Crime Reporting

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    Elder Abuse reports can be filed 24 hours a day either online (see instructions below) or by phone at (800) 922-2275. Elder abuse includes: physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, caretaker neglect, financial exploitation and self-neglect. Elder Protective Services can only investigate cases of abuse where the person is age 60 and over and lives in the community.
  • Massachusetts Victim Compensation and Assistance Division

    Phone: (617) 727-2200 x2160

    Website: https://www.mass.gov/service-details/applying-for-victims-of-violent-crime-assistance

    Category(ies): All Crime Types

    Service(s): Financial or Material Assistance

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    The Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office Victim Compensation and Assistance Division provides financial assistance to eligible victims of violent crime for uninsured medical and dental care, mental health counseling, funeral and burial costs, and income lost due to inability to work. To be eligible for compensation the crime must have been reported to police within five days unless there is good cause for delay. You must apply for compensation within 3 years of the crime. Victims under the age of 18 at the time of crime may apply until the age of 21, or later in certain limited circumstances. Please read all eligibility requirements. Victims must cooperate with law enforcement during the investigation and prosecution of the crime. Also, a victim cannot have participated in or been involved in committing the crime. Maximum award is $25,000.
  • Massachussets Attorney General’s Criminal Bureau

    Phone: (617) 963-2223

    Fax: (617) 727-5755

    Website: http://www.mass.gov/ago/public-safety/resources-for-victims/

    Category(ies): Financial Crimes/Fraud/Identity Theft

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Crime Reporting

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    The Financial Investigations Division is a team of criminal investigators who partner with the Criminal Bureau prosecutors, State Police, victim witness advocates, and support staff from the White Collar and Public Integrity Division, the Enterprise, Major, and Cyber Crimes Division, and the Human Trafficking Division. The investigators analyze and forensically examine evidence of allegations of criminal misconduct involving financial crimes.
  • Matthews Community Help Center

    Phone: (704) 847-8383

    Website: http://www.matthewshelpcenter.org/

    Service(s): Crisis Intervention/Crisis Response, Housing (Emergency/Short-Term), Transportation Assistance (Local)

    Location(s): North Carolina

    Offers assitance to the community.
  • Maui Sexual Assault Center

    Phone: (808) 877-6888

    Website: https://www.childandfamilyservice.org/programs/msac/

    Category(ies): Sexual Assault

    Service(s): Hotline/Information and Referrals, Support Groups

    Location(s): Hawaii

    The Maui Sexual Assault Center is a place for support, healing and education for all victims of sexual assault and their families. We focus on education to help prevent sexual violence, and healing and support for victims. We start by believing. Each healing process is unique. We are here to listen, support and discuss difficult feelings at any point in your process. Our main office is in Wailuku, Maui. We also have offices in Lahaina, Maui and in Kaunakakai, Moloka‘i.
  • MDStopHate

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: 211

    Website: https://211md.org/stophate/

    Category(ies): Bullying, Hate Crime

    Service(s): Hotline/Information and Referrals

    Location(s): Maryland

    Report Hate And Bias Crimes And/Or Incidents And Connect with community resources
  • MeadowHaven

    Phone: (508) 947-9571

    Website: http://www.meadowhaven.org/

    Service(s): Medical/Health Assistance

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    MeadowHaven exists to provide a refuge for former members of high control, destructive groups to rest, heal, and grow. By understanding their experience in an abusive environment and acquiring the skills necessary for life outside the group, MeadowHaven helps former members recover their ability to be thriving contributors to society. Healing is fostered in the context of healthy community, relationships with other former members with similar experiences, and a supportive staff who understand the processes of thought reform, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), identity confusion, chronic emotional disturbance, etc.
  • Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office

    Phone: (704) 336-2543

    Website: https://www.mecksheriff.com/

    Category(ies): Assault, Child Physical Abuse or Neglect (Current or Recent), Child Sexual Abuse (Current or Recent), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Driving Under the Influence, Gang Violence, Kidnapping (Custodial/Familial), Sexual Assault

    Service(s): Crime Reporting

    Location(s): North Carolina

    Sherriffs office in Mecklenburg where you can report crime and check sex offenders status.
  • Metro Centers for Community Advocacy

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (888) 411-1333

    Website: http://www.mccagno.org/contact/

    Category(ies): Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Sexual Assault, Stalking

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Hotline/Information and Referrals, Housing (Emergency/Short-Term), Safety Planning

    Location(s): Louisiana

    Metro Centers for Community Advocacy has a clear mission and goals focused on providing services for survivors of trauma through trauma-informed care.
  • Metropolitan Center for Community Advocacy

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (504) 837-5400

    Other Phone: (504) 837-5400 – 24 Hour Crisis Hotline

    Website: http://www.mccagno.org/who-we-are/

    Category(ies): Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Sexual Assault, Stalking, Teen Dating Violence

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Crisis Intervention/Crisis Response, Hotline/Information and Referrals, Housing (Emergency/Short-Term), Housing (Long-Term/Transitional)

    Location(s): Louisiana

    Metro currently provides advocacy, information and referrals, group support, medical advocacy, legal advocacy, sheltering, individual support, safety planning, and caregiver support to survivors in eight Louisiana parishes. Metro has the main office complex, three shelters, and six satellite offices. metro also provides a 24/7 Crisis Line for counseling and/or referrals for victims. All services to survivors offered by Metro are free and confidential.
  • Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County – Nashville Fraud Unit

    Phone: (615) 862-7594

    Other Phone: (615) 862-8600 – File a police report

    Website: https://www.nashville.gov/departments/police/investigative-services/criminal-investigations/fraud-and-pawn

    Category(ies): Financial Crimes/Fraud/Identity Theft

    Service(s): Crime Reporting, General Social Services

    Location(s): Tennessee

    A way of reporting financial scam/ fraud crimes and receiving support for a variety of general social services in Nashville