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Victim Connect Resource Map

The VictimConnect Resource Map is Live!

The VictimConnect Resource Map is a searchable tool with national and local resources commonly used by our visitors. The resources can be filtered by categories, services, location, and keywords.

This is not an exhaustive list of resources or available options, but over time we will continue to add resources.

Click here to learn more.

If you are a service provider and would like to be included on the VictimConnect Resource Map, please complete and submit this form. See eligibility criteria here.

Looking for additional resources? The Tribal Resource Tool is an online map of diverse resources for American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) survivors and victims of crime and abuse created in collaboration with the National Congress of American Indians, the Tribal Law and Policy Institute, and the NCVC.

Visit www.tribalresourcetool.org to access information about services for all ages and all crime types, in cities, suburban, and rural areas, both on and off the reservation.

  • The Salvation Army in Central Ohio-Anti- Human Trafficking Program

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (800) 725-2769

    Website: https://easternusa.salvationarmy.org/southwest-ohio/central-ohio/help-trafficking-survivors/

    Category(ies): Human Trafficking (Labor), Human Trafficking (Sex)

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Crisis Intervention/Crisis Response, Hotline/Information and Referrals, Support Groups

    Location(s): Ohio

    Since its earliest days, The Salvation Army has worked to free men, women and girls from the abuse and exploitation of labor and sexual slavery.
  • The Samaritans of Rhode Island

    Phone: (401) 721-5220

    Website: http://www.samaritansri.org/

    Service(s): Children/Youth/Family Services, Support Groups

    Location(s): Rhode Island

    This communiity organization offers help to family and youth. They offer education of suicide prevention and a variety of other services such as community engagement and grief support.
  • The Sex Abuse Treatment Center (SATC)

    Phone: (808) 524-7273

    Website: https://www.satchawaii.org/

    Category(ies): Assault, Child Sexual Abuse (Current or Recent), Sexual Assault

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Forensic Services, Hotline/Information and Referrals, Sexual Assault/Rape Urgent/Acute Response

    Location(s): Hawaii

    The Sex Abuse Treatment Center (SATC) of Kapi’olani Medical Center for Women & Children is a statewide program that provides comprehensive services for survivors of sexual assault. This includes medical care, crisis counseling, and therapy. SATC also works to prevent sexual violence and create positive change through public policy, awareness, and education.
  • The Substance Use and Mental Health Leadership Council of Rhode Island

    Phone: 401-521-5759

    Website: https://www.sumhlc.org/

    Category(ies): Other

    Service(s): Medical/Health Assistance

    Location(s): Rhode Island

    The mission of the Substance Use and Mental Health Leadership Council of RI is to promote a collaborative, coordinated system of high quality, comprehensive community-based mental health and substance abuse prevention and treatment services through advocacy, and training.
  • The Trevor Project

    Phone: (212) 695-8650

    Website: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/

    Service(s): Crisis Intervention/Crisis Response

    Location(s): California

    The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24. They can be reached by phone, chat, text. The Trevor Project also has it’s own social media website called the Trevorspace .
  • The Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance

    Phone: (800) 838-8238

    Website: http://www.vsdvalliance.org/resources-helpayuda/legal-help/?view=mobile

    Category(ies): Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Sexual Assault

    Service(s): Hotline/Information and Referrals

    Location(s): Virginia

    Provide help, information, and support by phone, text, and chat through our 24/7/365 statewide hotline, and through our legal services team, the Project for the Empowerment of Survivors
  • The Wellspring Alliance for Families

    Phone: (318) 651-9314

    Website: https://wellspringofnela.org/

    Category(ies): Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Other, Sexual Assault

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Hotline/Information and Referrals, Housing (Emergency/Short-Term), Legal/Justice System Assistance (Criminal), Other, Safety Planning, Support Groups

    Location(s): Louisiana

    The Wellspring is a multifaceted organization, our mission is to serve the people of Northeast Louisiana by providing the services they need to address and solve the problems they’re facing today – whether that be homelessness, sexual assault, domestic violence, life transitions, relational struggles, youth development and more.
  • The Wendt Center for Loss and Healing

    Phone: 202.624.0010

    Fax: 202.624.0062

    Website: https://www.wendtcenter.org/

    Category(ies): Assault, Child Physical Abuse or Neglect (Current or Recent), Child Physical Abuse or Neglect (Historical), Child Sexual Abuse (Current or Recent), Child Sexual Abuse (Historical), Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Elder Abuse or Neglect, Human Trafficking (Labor), Human Trafficking (Sex), Sexual Assault, Violation of a Court (Protective) Order

    Location(s): District of Columbia

    Since 1975, the Wendt Center for Loss and Healing has helped people in the Greater Washington area rebuild a sense of safety and hope after experiencing a loss, life-threatening illness, violence or other trauma. Nationally recognized for their expertise in grief, trauma and mental health, they provide an array of holistic services for children, teens, adults, families and their local communities. Individual and group therapy programs range from providing support to adults grieving the loss of a loved one or facing lif-threatening illness to highly specialized treatment for children and adults victimized by violence and suffering the consequences of trauma. C.H.I.L.D (Child Healing to Improve Learning and Development) offers a holistic set of healing services for children and teens, including Camp Forget-Me-Not/Camp Erin DC, a free, annual, therapeutic grief camp and the school-based Resilient Scholars program. HOPES provides healing services to crime victims (survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking, homicide and other violent crime) at our offices or at partner sites. RECOVER offers on-site crisis intervention, bereavement support and psycho-education at the DC Medical Examiner’s Office for individuals coming to identify their deceased loved ones. Veterans, Military and their Families receive specialized counseling services at Wendt Center offices or at the National Veterans Center.
  • The West Virginia Insurance Commission Office of the Inspector General Fraud – Special Investigation Unit

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (800) 779-6853

    Other Phone: (304) 558-5241

    Fax: (304) 558-8950

    Website: https://www.wvinsurance.gov/Divisions_Special-Investigations-Division

    Category(ies): Financial Crimes/Fraud/Identity Theft

    Service(s): Crime Reporting

    Location(s): West Virginia

    A criminal justice agency by statute under all federal and state laws and regulations including helping people to report fraud while also providing information to detect, prevent, and report Medicare fraud and abuse.
  • The West Virginia State Bar

    Phone: (866) 989-8227

    Other Phone: (304) 553-7220

    Website: http://www.wvbar.org/

    Service(s): Legal/Justice System Assistance (Civil), Legal/Justice System Assistance (Criminal)

    Location(s): West Virginia

    The West Virginia State Bar staff members cannot provide legal advice, but conect you to programs where you ca get legal guidace.. If you need legal advice on a specific legal problem or are seeking advice on how to proceed in handling a legal problem please contact an attorney through The Lawyer Referral Service
  • The Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault (WCASA)

    Phone: (608) 257-1516

    Website: https://www.wcasa.org/

    Category(ies): Sexual Assault

    Service(s): Victim Rights Advocacy (Non-Direct)

    Location(s): Wisconsin

    WCASA promotes change in Wisconsin communities through education, prevention and public policy work.
  • The Women’s Center

    Phone: (202) 293-4580

    Fax: (202) 293-4583

    Website: https://thewomenscenter.org/

    Category(ies): Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Elder Abuse or Neglect, Sexual Assault, Violation of a Court (Protective) Order

    Location(s): District of Columbia

    Their private, non-profit counseling and education centers are truly part of each community and offer a wide range of services for women, men and families. They are committed to offering immediate and affordable counseling. The Center accepts most insurance plans and offers reduced and sliding scale fees based on financial need. Counseling with professional therapists who have experience supporting survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, both locations include these services: – emotional support and counseling – information and referral – victim advocacy – crisis intervention – support groups Individual Counseling for Sexual Assault in DC is free. There will be a support group for sexual assault survivors starting in the Spring at the DC location.
  • The Women’s Center Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services

    Phone: (202) 293-4580

    Fax: (202) 293-4583

    Website: https://thewomenscenter.org/domestic-violence-sexual-assault-services/

    Category(ies): Assault, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Sexual Assault

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy

    Location(s): District of Columbia

    Counseling with professional therapists and advocates, who have experience supporting survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, is available at our Virginia and DC locations.
  • The Women’s Center, Inc.

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (570) 784-6632

    Website: http://www.thewomenscenterinc.org/

    Category(ies): Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Sexual Assault

    Service(s): Batterer Education/Batterer Intervention, Housing (Emergency/Short-Term), Support Groups, Transportation Assistance (Local)

    Location(s): Pennsylvania

    This organization offers group counseling, emergency shelter and transportation services. Due to the COVID pandemic they have extended their services to domestic violence in Pennsylvania.
  • Thompson Child & Family Focus

    Phone: (704) 536-0375

    Website: https://www.thompsoncff.org/

    Service(s): Children/Youth/Family Services

    Location(s): North Carolina

    Offers mental health services to children and families.
  • Thrive DC

    Phone: (202) 737-9311

    Website: https://www.thrivedc.org/

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Employment/Education Assistance

    Location(s): District of Columbia

    Thrive DC works to prevent and end homelessness in Washington, DC by providing vulnerable people with a wide range of services to help stabilize their lives. Offers two types of programs. Morning Program (for men and women) and the Evening Program (for women and children). Provides hot meals, laundry services, showers, employment services, access to a computer lab, and referrals to other organizations.
  • Thrive Together

    Phone: (319) 382-3078

    Website: https://www.thrivetogethertoday.org/our-services

    Category(ies): Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Sexual Assault

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy

    Location(s): Iowa

    Thrive Together empowers the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind to end domestic violence and sexual assault within the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf Blind community. We provide prevention education to the community, as well as direct-advocacy to individuals and families.
  • Time Out, Inc.

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (928) 468-8635

    Website: https://timeoutshelter.org/

    Category(ies): Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner)

    Service(s): Batterer Education/Batterer Intervention, Case Management/Advocacy, Housing (Emergency/Short-Term), Medical/Health Assistance, Safety Planning, Support Groups

    Location(s): Arizona

    organization aimed to help survicors of domestic violence. they offer tranitional and emergency cousing along with legal aid and support groups.
  • Trangender Legal Defense & Education Fund

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (646) 862-9396

    Fax: (646) 930-5654

    Website: http://www.transgenderlegal.org/

    Category(ies): Hate Crime

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Hotline/Information and Referrals, Legal/Justice System Assistance (Civil), Victim Rights Advocacy (Non-Direct)

    Location(s): New York

    Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund is committed to ending discrimination based upon gender identity and expression and to achieving equality for transgender people through public education, test-case litigation, direct legal services, and public policy efforts.
  • Trans Lifeline

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (415) 483-5361

    Other Phone: (877) 330-6366

    Website: https://www.translifeline.org/

    Category(ies): Hate Crime

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Financial or Material Assistance

    Location(s): California

    Trans Lifeline provides trans peer support for our community that’s been divested from police since day one. We’re run by and for trans people.
  • Trans Pride Initiative

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: (214) 449-1439

    Website: http://www.tpride.org/

    Service(s): Employment/Education Assistance, Housing (Emergency/Short-Term), Medical/Health Assistance

    Location(s): Texas

    Assistance for the transgender communiity in hosuing, employment, education and healthcare.
  • Transgender Law Center

    Phone: (510) 587-9696

    Fax: (877) 847-1278

    Website: https://transgenderlawcenter.org/

    Category(ies): Hate Crime

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Legal/Justice System Assistance (Civil), Legal/Justice System Assistance (Criminal)

    Location(s): California

    Transgender Law Center is the largest national trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people. Grounded in legal expertise and committed to racial justice, we employ a variety of community-driven strategies to keep transgender and gender nonconforming people alive, thriving, and fighting for liberation.
  • Transition House

    Phone: (617) 868-1650

    Fax: (617) 868-1651

    Website: http://www.transitionhouse.org/, http://www.transitionhouse.org/

    Category(ies): Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner)

    Service(s): Case Management/Advocacy, Domestic Violence Urgent/Acute Response, Hotline/Information and Referrals, Housing (Emergency/Short-Term), Housing (Long-Term/Transitional), Support Groups

    Location(s): Massachusetts

    Transition House is a leader in the field in addressing domestic violence through intervention and prevention. We serve people of all ages and backgrounds. We work toward social equity and system change to end the perpetuation of harm and violence. With deep roots in Cambridge, Massachusetts for over 45 years, our model is embraced as a shared responsibility and an ongoing priority to end domestic violence in our community .
  • Tribal Resource Tool

    Website: https://tribalresourcetool.org/

    Category(ies): Arson, Assault, Bullying, Child Exposed to Violence, Child Physical Abuse or Neglect (Current or Recent), Child Physical Abuse or Neglect (Historical), Child Sexual Abuse (Current or Recent), Child Sexual Abuse (Historical), Child Sexual Abuse Images, Cyber Crimes, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner), Domestic Violence (Non-Intimate Partner), Driving Under the Influence, Elder Abuse or Neglect, Financial Crimes/Fraud/Identity Theft, Gang Violence, Harassment, Hate Crime, Human Trafficking (Labor), Human Trafficking (Sex), Kidnapping (Custodial/Familial), Kidnapping (Non-Custodial), Other, Robbery/Theft/Burglary, Sexual Assault, Stalking, Teen Dating Violence, Violation of a Court (Protective) Order

    Service(s): Hotline/Information and Referrals, Other, Traditional Healing and Referrals

    An online map of diverse resources for American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) survivors and victims of crime and abuse. Created in collaboration with the National Congress of American Indians, the Tribal Law and Policy Institute, and the National Center for Victims of Crime, this map shares information about resources like: Tribal Coalitions, Tribal Courts, US Attorney’s Offices, Shelters, Substance Use Treatment, Tribal Police Departments, Indian Child Welfare, Child Advocacy Centers, CASA, and Adult Protective Services. All ages served.
  • Tulsa County Bar Association Lawyer Referral & Information Service

    Phone: (918) 584-5243

    Website: https://www.tulsabar.com/index.cfm?pg=Lawyer-Referral-Program

    Service(s): Hotline/Information and Referrals, Legal/Justice System Assistance (Criminal)

    Location(s): Oklahoma

    The Tulsa County Bar Association Lawyer Referral and Information Service is a long-standing program serving Tulsa County. Its primary purpose is to refer those needing legal representation, and who can afford reasonable attorney’s fees, to a licensed attorney who practices in the area of law appropriate to their needs. In cases where a lawyer referral is not appropriate other resources may be recommended. We do not provide pro bono attorney’s nor do we have attorney’s on staff who can answer legal questions.