VictimConnect Resource Map
The VictimConnect Resource Map is a searchable tool with national and local resources commonly used by our visitors. The resources are able to be filtered by categories, services, location, and keywords. This is not an exhaustive list of resources or available options and we are continually adding resources.
- If you would like support with developing an individualized resource plan, emotional support, or a warm transfer, please contact the VictimConnect Resource Center.
- If you are a victim services agency and would like to be added, click here.
The VictimConnect Resource Map has four fields: Keywords, Categories, Services, and Locations. The fields can be used in a number of ways to find the resources you are looking for. You can only make one selection per field at a time.
- To see ALL of the resources the resource map currently has in your area, select your state, leave the other fields blank, and then press ‘search’ or hit enter.
- To locate resources for certain crime types in your area (i.e. domestic violence, child abuse, fraud, etc.), select your state, select the appropriate crime type from the dropdown menu of the categories field, and then press ‘search’ or hit enter.
- To find resources that offer specific services in your area (i.e. legal assistance, housing, financial assistance, advocacy, etc.) select your state, select the service you need, then press ‘search’ or hit enter.
You can narrow your search for resources by selecting your state and choosing a selection from both the categories and the services field. If you don’t find what you are looking for once you have narrowed your search, you may want to try different selections from the categories or services fields or leaving one of them blank.
If you would like to make a quick search, you may try using the keyword field by typing in a keyword of your choice (ie. sexual assault, stalking, financial assistance, etc.) and selecting your state.